Friday, February 7, 2014

Five on Friday!!

This Friday officially means one more week until Valentine's Day!! This special holiday is near and dear to my heart, and I can't wait to celebrate with the kiddies and make it fun for them. So this weeks Five on Friday has a few little Valentine things ,and a couple Pottery Barn goodies :) 

#1)  All week I am making a conscious effort to do or make something fun and memorable with Preston and Bella. I am going to hash tag it on Instagram (username is blychic) as 7 Days of Love! 

Also to include with this I laid out Bella's Valentine-inspired outfits for the next week, and I can't wait to dress her for the 7 Days of Love. :) The really neat thing about this was that besides picking up a Valentine shirt, all the others she already had, so I just shopped her closet. A good tip is to just look for anything in your little ones closets that has hearts! 

#2) I just love these sweet little garlands from the one-spot at Target! Seriously I do not think I could have made them each for less than what they cost-- $1!!! The burlap & felt make them even cuter. I will hang them around the kiddies' Valentine's Day table. <3 

#3) These will be Preston's Valentine's treats for school (with Planes Valentine's attached that have not been written out yet. ;)) But I love how simple and quick they were to put together. The little cellophane baggies were from the one-spot at Target, as well as the chevron washi tape and baker's twine. Simple yet cute for the pre-schoolers. And I did not spend hours on it ;) --even better! 

#4) Now on to the Pottery Barn goodies...I have been eyeing this pillow from Pottery Barn for foreverrr, and when it finally went on sale with a $10 coupon they sent in a packet at Christmastime with an order I had, it was the time to buy! ;) I just love how it also was not "ala carte" like so many of their pillows are. The pillow cover & insert came as one already finished pillow! {YAY!} I don't know what it is about the word "nest," but it just screams the ultimate in a cozy, comfortable home surrounded by the ones we love. Every time I walk by or see it, I smile :) And a fellow blogger Erika also has one with the same words that is sooo cute too!! I so wish I had the gorgeous Texas weather though to display it on a chair or bench on my porch like her though! ;)

#5) With the $10 gift card to Pottery Barn also came one to Pottery Barn Teen (of which I have never ordered from them before), and I was pleasantly surprised when scrolling through their website that they had a lot of these canvas storage bins. And even better yet it had a cute mint floral damask pattern and came with a lid! I am always in need of more storage bins, and I loved that this was canvas and a big enough size to store anything from blankets and clothes to toys or crafting items. Now I just need to decide! 

Well I hope you have a wonderful weekend and an even more fabulous Valentine week!! <3 Thank you for stopping by and let me know anything fun you're looking forward to this week of love!! :) 

...until next time! 


  1. What fun Valentine activities for the week!! And that pillow -- too cute! Hope you have a great week. :)

    1. Thanks, Carroll!! Yes I hope you have a great Valentine week too! <3
