Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Comfy Cozy Wednesday

I thought with the rush of the middle of the week that Wednesdays usually bring it would be nice to do a "Comfy Cozy Wednesday"  where I (or you) ;) can snuggle up with a warm cup of coffee and just relax (or at least "try" to relax in the 5 or 10 minute lapses of time the kids are entertaining themselves throughout the day ;)) in some food for thought, good quotes that might inspire, or maybe just a good Bible verse that leaves us feeling spiritually-filled. I know by this time of the week my mind is usually racing with endless to-do lists from the first half of the week and a million other things going through my mind for the upcoming weekend or weeks that it is nice to take time to just slow down for a few minutes & listen to what God might have for us that day.  I know lately for me it has been just that-- to slow down.

With the new year upon us all & 2013 behind, I (like most people) have a few " resolutions." However, with the events of the last year mine are quite simple. And that's just it: to take things one day at a time, slow down, & relish in the everyday gift God has given us. I have so many times in my life gotten "caught up" in just being busy...all the time, most every day.  And this year as I embark on the first year in 29 years without my sweet mama, I need to learn to "do life" without her physically by my side & a phone call away at a moment's notice. It has been unimaginably hard, but God has given me a verse to cling to this year, & this will be my "go to" verse that I hope will develop peace within me & my life...and a good reminder to slow the busyness down sometimes. 

So this weeks food for thought is such a special verse that has such great words of wisdom: Philippians 4:6-7  

I think this can be taken that "anxious" could very well mean being busy busy busy. And God is telling us to be at peace aka slow.down. One thing my sweet mama would tell me time and time again was to slow down & stay at home more-- aka not be just so busy all the time running "here and there and everywhere."  She said I would be happier simplifying things and not having so many plans all the time.  And the strange thing was (surprise surprise) I never wanted to believe it. Well whaddayaknow but the past few weeks I have truly been wanting to do just that-- slow down. He wants peace for all of us, & I sure know I will be working on this a whole lot this year. Albeit I know there will be those crazy days, weeks, or months-- I am going to try to really be intentional about this most of all this year. 

With having these "extra" last few days off with sub-zero snow days I feel this more than ever-- the importance of how many memories can be created with the little ones & little household tasks that can get accomplished by constantly not being on the go. I know sometimes life just gets super busy, but I am really going to try in 2014 to set aside time to have a blank day or a blank weekend where I know it will just get filled with special time with my little family. So we have had a fun few days just pretty much staying home and making special memories. I am sure a lot of you have too and relished in that even though "cabin fever" might have set in, overall you truly enjoyed a few extra special days with your sweet kiddies :) 

Until next time!


  1. Oh My Goodness I needed this today!!! I feel bad because I am so behind on my blog reading, but something told me to get on here and read this before heading to bed! Today was a CRAZY busy day back to work and Brady's bball game and so so so so so much to do to get ahead at work- I was feeling so overwhelmed a few minutes ago and then I read this. I love it! I swear we are twins- my mom ALWAYS told me to stop being on the go so much. I feel the same as you about the past few frozen days at home- I absolutely LOVED being home with my babies and forced to do nothing and go nowhere! It was wonderfully blissful! xoxoxoxoxo Thank you for this post!

    1. awwww!! Good!! Yayyy!! SO so happy it helped your day :) I understand the crazy busy days all too well, so I am glad you took some down time to read this :) That makes my hear so happy <3 I hope your day is not as overwhelming tomorrow! :) and lol I think we're twins too! I love that our moms would both tell us the same things! So happy you got to enjoy a few days at home with your kiddies too! :) And you're welcome!! <3 <3

  2. Totally agree and hoping to slow down a bit! Such a beautiful family! Love the late night mani-pedi! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Becky! And thanks for stopping by! You as well! :)
